اکشن فتوشاپ دابل اکسپوژر
Animated Double Exposure Action
Animated Double Exposure Action – This double exposure action is a photoshop action which uses images and videos to blend them and create a very nice double exposure video effect.
This action is very useful for designers and photographs who need to present some unique and powerful attractive moving images. Very good for creating intro’s on youtube, creating music videos or just simple web gif’s.
There is no way to display preview gifs or images here, So you will have to download the action to see how it works
Works with any Photoshop version
Works in any Photoshop language version, no need for additional files
Fully customizable
Color grading options, vintage effect, light leaks
PDF help file with instructions, tips and tricks
Very fast way to get a video double exposure effect
This action works all versions of Photoshops languages. No need for individual files. Because this action uses non specific layers, you dont need another file, if you use another language.
Install and Use
Make sure you use RGB mode and 8 bits/channel from the menu Image > Mode > RGB
Load the action in you action panel. Go to Window > Actions (Alt+F9) and then click the top menu in the actions panel and click “Load Actions..”
Open your Background Image.
Open your Photo Image and select it.
Click play on the action, from the actions panel.
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