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English Rose Photoshop Template | Flyer Templates
Introducing ***English Rose***!
This beautifully handcrafted poster & flyer photoshop template set is ideal for high tea parties, wedding invites, elegant get togethers or just a beautiful poster for your next event.
This PSD comes in ***3 different variants***, pre cropped for your convenience. An American Letter ***8.5×11 inch***, the international ***ISO A4*** and an American Flyer ***5.5×8.5*** inch.
Each of the PSD’s in layered neatly for easy editing and has includes ***two themes*** and gorgeous **GOLD** and elegant **PINK** which have both been designed in ***CMYK*** color space to ensure accurate color representation when going to press.
The two beautiful script and brush typefaces, Wild Youth and Playfair Display, are free to download and the links to each are included in the package.
Bonus: You’ll also get an email crop which can be sent digitally to your intended audience. The mailer in designed a double resolution to ensure clarity on high resolution displays.
Take a look the preview set to see get an overview of what you’ll be getting in this great package.
I hope you enjoy this template as much as I enjoyed designing it, thank you and I’ll see you soon with another creative piece!
This is what you can edit in each of the templates…
– Title
– Body Copy Information
– Color Theme
The package contains the following source files…
– Emailer@2x.psd
– fonts.txt
– ISO A4.psd
– US 5.5×8.5.psd
– US 8.5×11.psd
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