Elements Envatoفایل لایه بازقالب آمادهقالب ایندیزاینکمپانیلایه باز مجله
قالب آماده ایندیزاین مجله مینیمال
Minimal Magazine
محصول شرکت
کد محصول :
برنامه مورد نیاز :
Adobe InDesign
ابعاد :
8(w) X 11(h) in
فرمت :
مود رنگ :
قاب :
Minimal Magazine was designed as an universal magazine template with original structured editorial layout. Template can be easily used for many editorial contents like portfolios, fashion design or minimal elegant design.
Adobe Indesign CS4+ and MS Word 97+ compatible
A4 and Letter size + bleeds,
4 InDesign files (CS4 + CC) and 2 MS Word files,
Print Ready,
Based on 12 column grid,
Paragraph styles included,
Master Pages,
Images, Text and Background on separate layers,
Uses free fonts,
Help File,
Photographs and mockup are not Included,
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