اسکریپت فتوشاپ گرد کردن گوشه اشکال و مسیر ها
Shape Rounder - Path Editing Kit
Works with Photoshop CC 2018 and newer
As the name suggests, Shape Rounder creates rounded corners for any shape by recaculating the path. Until now, Photoshop users without Illustrator have been stuck with rounded rectangles only – Shape Rounder fills this gap. Edit individual points or define a repeated pattern and adjust the curve flatness. All changes become immediately visible, thanks to path caching and live reload.
Edit Individual Points
Filter Points By Angle
Cache Original Path (Reset at any time)
Live Changes / Preview
Define Value Patterns
Adjustable Curve Flatness
Works with any Pathkind (Workpath, Vectormask, Normal Path, …)
Precise Bezier Curve Calculations
Last settings loaded at Startup
Original Path Storeable in ShapeLayer Metadata (saved in PSD)
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